Friday, December 14, 2018

100 Important Words and its Meaning Vocabulary

*1. Aberration:* deviation; abnormality
*2. Abstruse:* Difficult to comprehend
*3. Acumen:* sharpness of mind
*4. Adroit:* skill-ful (Maladroit = clumsy)
*5. Adulation:* worship; great praise
*6. Advocate:* support
*7. Affability:* friendliness; cordiality
*8. Affinity:* kinship
*9. Affluence:* wealth; Opulence
*10. Agnostic:* unsure of the existence
*11. Alacrity:* speed & eagerness; promptness
*12. Alleviate:* make less serve; reduce
*13. Altruism:* self-sacrifice
*14. Amalgam:* mixture
*15. Amassed:* accumulated
*16. Ambiguous:* vague; doubtful; equivocal
*17. Ameliorate:* make better; improve
*18. Amiable:* friendly; lovable
*19. Anachronistic:* out of normal time range
*20. Animosity:* hostility; hatred; ill-will
*21. Apathetic:* lacking energy or interest; indifference
*22. Arable:* can be cultivated; fit for pillowing (example: arable land)
*23. Arbitration:* mediating between disputing sides
*24. Arboreal:* living in trees (Root -- Arbor always relates to trees)
*25. Arcane:* esoteric; obscure; known only to few people
*26. Archaic:* old-fashioned
*27. Articulation:* joining; speaking clearly; distinct
*28. Ascertain:* find out; make sure
*29. Astute:* wise; mentally sharp
*30. Augment:* increase in size or number

*31. Aural:* through the sense of hearing
*32. Autocrat:* absolute ruler;
*34. Barrage:* bombardment; stream (of abuse etc.); continuous attack
*35. Belabor:* over-emphasizing
*36. Belied:* contradicted
*37. Belittlers:* People who criticize/disparage
*38. Benevolent:* kindly; charitable
*39. Boorishness:* rudeness; ill-mannered behavior
*40. Bountiful:* generous
*41. Brevity:* briefness
*42. Bypass:* avoid; find a way around
*43. Byzantine:* excessive; decadent
*44. Cacophony:* noise; din
*45. Callous:* cruel & unfeeling
*46. Candid:* truthful; straight forward; free from prejudice
*47. Capricious:* whimsical; changeable
*48. Censure:* criticize; blame
*49. Cerebral:* concerned with thinking
*50. Circumstantial:* accidental; indirect
*51. Insightful:* perceptive; can be understood
*52. Insipid:* flavorless; bland
*53. Insolence:* lack of respect; rudeness; impudence
*54. Insolvent:* bankrupt
*55. Insufferable:* can not be tolerated
*56. Insular:* narrow-minded
*57. Insurrectionist:* rebel; combative
*58. Integrity:* honor; honesty
*59. Intemperate:* not moderate; excessive
*60. Intermittent:* on & off; not continuous;
*61. spasmodic Intonation:* tone of voice
*62. intrigued:* interested and curious
*63. Intuition:* sixth sense; gut feeling
*64. Invocation:* prayer
*65. Irony:* something unexpected; words to convey opposite meaning
*66. Irreproachable:* can not be criticized; blameless (Reproach = critize)
*67. Irresolute:* lacking firmness of purpose; hesitant
*68. Irreverence:* lack of respect
*69. Jaded:* tired; bored
*70. Jeopardize:* put at risk; endanger
*71. Judicious:* fair; wise
*72. Juxtaposition:* placing two things next to each other
*73. Knack:* trick; skill
*74. Lackadaisical:* lazy; careless; lax
*75. Lamentable:* regrettable
*76. Languid:*
*77. Litigious:* seeking legal remedies
*78. Lobby:* to try to persuade; entrance hall
*79. Lucid:* clear; explained
*80. Magnanimous:* generous minded; big-hearted
*81. Mandate:* permission
*82. Mandatory:* compulsory
*83. Manifesto:* statement of values
Lacking energy; weak
*84. Lavish:* to spend freely(v); costing alot; opulent(adj)
*85. Legitimate:* to make legal; give approval to
*86. Libelous:* open to prosecution for libel (libel = written slander)
*87. Lithe:* flexible; supple
*88. Manipulative:* deceptive; skill-ful at handling people
*89. Marred: spoiled;* ruined
*90. Meager:* small; scanty; unimportant
*91. Mercenary:* seeking money above all else; interested in money and gain
*92. Meticulous:* thorough; taking care of details
*93. Miffed:* annoyed; vex
*94. Mitigate:* moderate; reduce intensity
*95. Modicum:* tiny amount
*96. Momentous:* of great importance
*97. Monotonous:* dull; repetitive
*98. Morbidity:* concern with death and disease
*99. Motley:* varied; miscellaneous

*100. Circumvent:* avoid; outwit; baffle

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