Friday, January 25, 2019

Confusing words homophenes mostly asked in every Exam and interviews

Confusing words:
1. Advise, Advice
Advise (مشورہ دینا ) - Offer suggestions about the best course of action to someone.
Advice (مشورہ) - an opinion or recommendation offered as a guide to action, conduct, etc.
Example: He advised me to give her an advice on what to wear for the party.
(اس نے مجھے صلح دی کہ میں اسے یہ صلح دوں کہ اسے پارٹی میں کیا پہننا چاہیے)
2. Weather, Whether
Weather (موسم) - the state of the atmosphere at a particular place and time as regards heat, cloudiness, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc.
Whether (چاہے /یا )- expressing a doubt or choice between alternatives.
Example: Whether you agree to it or not, the weather has become cold.
(چاہے تم مانو یا نا مانو، موسم بہت ٹھنڈا ھو گیا ہے)
3. Alter, Altar
Alter (بدلنا/ تبدیل کرنا ) - change in character or composition, typically in a comparatively small but significant way.
Altar (مذبح) - An elevated place or structure before which religious ceremonies may be enacted or upon which sacrifices may be offered.
Example: We need to alter the altar. It is very old now.

MCQS for Indo Pak History

*MCQS for Indo Pak History
*MCQS for Indo Pak History
1. Who was the founder of the Mughal Empire? - Babur
2. When was First Battle of Panipat fought? - 1526
3. Who defeated Ibrahim Lodhi in the First Battle of panipat? -Babur
4. Who defeated Mewar of Rana Sangha in the Battle of Khanwa(1527) ? - Babur
5. Who fought against Babur in the Battle of Chanderi(1528) ? -Medini Rai of Malwa
6. Who fought against Babur in the Battle of Ghaghra(1529)? -Muhammed Lodhi
7. When did Babur died ? - In 1530
8. Where is the Tomb of Babur situated? - Kabul
9. In the Battle of Dhuria ,who is defeated by Humayun? -Mahamud Lodhi
10. Who built the city of Dinpannah on the site "Purna Quila" in Gujarat ? - Humayun
11. Who defeated Humayun in the Battle of chausa ? - Shershah (in 1539)
12. When did Shershah defeated Humayun in the Battle of Kanauj? - In 1540
13. Who is the father of Akbar ? -Humayun
14. When was Second Battle of Panipat ? - in the year 1556
15. Who is defeated in the Second Battle of Panipat ? -Hemu is defeated by Akbar
16. Who abolished the religious tax Jaziya ? - Akbar (in the year1564)
17. When did Akbar captured Gujarat ? - In the year 1572