Thursday, May 9, 2024

Top 157 Inventions and their Inventors That Changed the World | General Knowledge | Important for Exams and Interviews

Top 157 inventions and their inventors have revolutionized the course of human history, shaping the way we live, work, and interact with the world around us. From ancient innovations like the abacus in China to modern marvels such as the jet engine and the transistor, these inventions and the brilliant minds behind them have propelled civilization forward into new frontiers of knowledge and progress.

Top 157 Inventions and their Inventors

  1.  Abacus China 
  2. Achromatic Lens John Dolland 
  3. Adding Machine Blaise Pascal 
  4. Addressing Machine J. S. Duncan 
  5. Air Brake George Westinghouse 
  6. Air Conditioning Willis H. Carrier 
  7. Air Plane with motor Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright 
  8. Air Plane Jet Engine Ohain 
  9. Air Pump Guericke 
  10. Arc Lamp Humphry Davy 
  11. Automatic Pilot Air Plane Sperry 
  12. Automobiles Dainler 
  13. Ball Point John Loud 
  14. Balloon J. Mand and Montogolfier 
  15. Barbed wire Joseph Glidden 
  16. Barometer Evangelista Torricelli 
  17. Bicycle Karl D Von Sauerbronn 
  18. Bifocal Lens Benjamin Franklin 
  19. Blast Furnace J. B. Neilson 
  20. Bleaching Powder ** Tennant 
  21. Blood Groups Kari Landsteiner 
  22. Bottle Making Machine Michael Owens 
  23. Camera (Photographic) Joseph N. Niepce 
  24. Carburettor Gottlieb Daimler 
  25. Cash Register James Ritty 
  26. Cathode Ray Tube William Crookes 
  27. Cement Joseph Aspdin 
  28. Chronometer John Harrison 
  29. Circuit Breaker *** Hilliard 
  30. Cloud Chamber Charles Wilson 
  31. Coloured Photography Frederic Ives and Gabriel Lippman 
  32. Condensed Milk Gail Borden 
  33. Cotton Gin Eli Whitney 
  34. Cultivator Henry Burden 
  35. Cylinder Lock Linus Yale Jr. 
  36. Dictating Machine Charles Taintor 
  37. Diesel Engine *** Rudolf C. K. Diesel 
  38. Digital Calculating Machine Charles Babbage 
  39. Double Chamber Donald Glaser 
  40. Dynamite *** Alfred B. Nobel 
  41. Electric Automobile William Morrison 
  42. Electric Battery Alessandro Volta 
  43. Electric Fan Wheeler 
  44. Electric Flat Iron Henry Seeley 
  45. Electric Generator * Hippolyte Pixii 
  46. Electric Motor Michael Faraday 
  47. Electric Railway Wemer Von Siemens 
  48. Electric Shaver Jacob Schick 
  49. Electric Stove William S. Hadaway 
  50. Electric Vacuum Cleaner James Spangler 
  51. Electric Welding Elihu Thomson 
  52. Electrocardiogram William Einthoven 
  53. Electronic Computer J. Presper Eckert and John W. Mauchly 
  54. Electromagnet William Sturgeon 
  55. Electron Microscope Vladimir Zworykin 
  56. Electroplating Luigi Brugnatelli 
  57. Firearm Magazine Horace Smith and Daniel Wesson 
  58. Flying Shuttle Johan Kay 
  59. Fountain Pen *** Lewis E Waterman 
  60. Frequency Modulation (FM) Broadcasting Edwin Armstrong 
  61. Galvanometer Johann Scheweigger 
  62. Gas Burner Robert W. Bunsen 
  63. Gas Engine (four cycle) Nikolus August Otto 
  64. Gas Turbine Bourdin 
  65. Gramophone (disk record) Emile Berliner 
  66. Hard Water Soap Berstsch 
  67. Helicopter Igor Sikorsky 
  68. Homeopathic treatment Samuel Hahnemann 
  69. Hydraulic press Joseph Brahmah 
  70. Ice Machine Jhon Gorrie 
  71. Internal Combustion Automobile Gottlieb Daimler 
  72. Internal Combustion Engine Jean Lenior 
  73. Jet Engine Frank Whittle 
  74. Judo Dr. Jigoro Kano in Japan in 1882 
  75. Kaleidoscope David Brewster 
  76. Knitting Machine William Lee 
  77. Kodak Camera Eastman and Walker 
  78. Life Preserver John Edwards 
  79. Logarithm John Napier 
  80. Machine Gun Richard J. Gatling 
  81. Micrometer William Gascoigne 
  82. Microphone Alexander Graham Bell 
  83. Miner‟s Safety Lamp Humphry Davy
  84. Modern Bicycle Starley 
  85. Motion Pictures (Camera) Edward Muybridge and Johan D. Issacs 
  86. Mouse of computer Douglas Engel Bart 
  87. Motorcycle Edward Butler 
  88. Motor Scooter Greville Bradshaw 
  89. Mowing Machine Peter Gaillard 
  90. Multi-motored Air Plane Igor Sikorsky 
  91. Nylon Hippolyte 
  92. Oil Lamp with Glass Chimney Aime Argand 
  93. Paper *** Egyptians (3500 BC) 
  94. Paper Machine Dickinson 
  95. Parachute Louis S. Lenormand
  96. passenger Elevator Elisha G. Otis 
  97. Pendulum Clock Christian Huggens 
  98. Photographic Paper Backeland Talbot 
  99. Photography Louis Daguerre 
  100. Photo phone Alexander Graham Bell 
  101. Photographic Camera Joseph N. Niepce 
  102. Piano *** Cristofori 
  103. Pluto Clyde Tom Baugh (1930) 
  104. Printing press Johann Gutenberg 
  105. Radar Robert Watson 
  106. Radium Mario Curie Pierre Curie 
  107. Railway engine Richard Trevithick 
  108. Razor blade King Camp Gillette 
  109. Refrigerator Ferdinand Carre 
  110. Revolver Smuel Colt 
  111. Rifle August Kotter 
  112. Rifle Bullet Claude E. Minie 
  113. Rocket Engine Goddard 
  114. Safety Match Gustave E. Pasch 
  115. Safety pin Walter Hunts 
  116. Scissors Leonardo Da Vinci 
  117. Screw Propeller John Stevens and John Ericsson 
  118. Sewing Machine Elias Howe 
  119. Shorthand system Sir Isaac Pitman 
  120. Slide Rule William Oughtred 
  121. Spectroscope Joseph Fraunhofer 
  122. Spinning Machine James Hargreaves
  123. Stainless Steel Harry Brearley 
  124. Steamboat Jouffroy d‟ Abbans
  125. Stereoscope Charles Whealstone 
  126. Submarine Holland 
  127. Switchboard Edgar T. Holmes 
  128. Tank Emest D. Swinton 
  129. Telegraph (Wireless) Marconi 
  130. Telephone Alexander Graham Bell 
  131. Telescope Galileo 
  132. Television John L. Baird 
  133. Thermometer Galileo Galilie 
  134. Thermometer (Mercury) Gabriel D. Fahrenheit 
  135. Thermos Bottle James Dewar 
  136. Threshing Machine Michael Menzies 
  137. Time Recorder Bundy 
  138. Toaster (Automatic) Charles Strite 
  139. Torpedo Submarine David Bushnell 
  140. Tractor Robert Keeley 
  141. Transformer (AC) William Stanley 
  142. Transistor Bardeen, Brattain and Shockley 
  143. Trigonometry Hipparchus 
  144. Turbine Charles Parson 
  145. Typewriter Henry Mill 
  146. Vacuum Bottle James Dewar 
  147. Vacuum Cleaner I. W. McGaffey 
  148. Violin Andrea Amati 
  149. Washing Machine Alva J. Fisher
  150. Weaving Machine John Kay 
  151. writing 5, 500 years ago 
  152. writing system for blind Luis Bralle (France) 
  153. X-Ray Roentgen 
  154. Zero digit Aryabhatta

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