Monday, July 2, 2018


Q: دنیا کی قدیم ترین مسجد کون سی ہے؟
A: خانہ کعبہ
B: مسجد نبوی
C: مسجد شہدا
D: مسجد نمرہ
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خانہ کعبہ    
Q: قرآن مجید میں کس واحد آدمی کو اس کی کنیت سے یاد کیا گیاہے؟
A: قارون
B: فرعون
C: ابولہب
D: ہامان
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Q: پیغمبروں کی سر زمین کسے کہا جاتا ہے؟
A: فلسطین
B: شام
C: حجازمقدس
D: عراق
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Q: پہلااسلامی ملک جس نے ایٹم بم بنایا؟
A: ایران
B: پاکستان
C: عراق
D: سعودی عرب
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Q: حج کے دوران کتنے خطبے ہوتے ہیں؟
A: ایک
B: دو
C: تین
D: کوئی ہیں
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Q: حجراسود کو بوسہ دیناکیا کہلاتا ہے؟
A: استلام
B: شوط
C: ملتزم
D: مبرور
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Q: نماز جمعہ میں امام کے علاوہ کم از کم کتنے افراد ہوں؟
A: دو
B: پانچ
C: دس
D: بارہ
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Q: مردوں میں سب سے پہلے کس نے اسلام قبول کیا؟
A: حضرت حمزہ
B: حضرت علی
C: حضرت ابوبکر
D: حضرت عباس
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حضرت ابوبکر    
Q: دنیا کی دوسری بڑی عمارت کس اسلامی ملک میں واقع ہے؟
A: قطر
B: ملائیشیا
C: ترکی
D: بحرین
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Q: ایسی کون سی سورہ ہے جس کے شروع میں تسمیہ (بسم اللہ) نہیں ہے؟
A: سورہ توبہ
B: سورہ انفال
C: سورہ یونس
D: سورہ اعراف
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سورہ توبہ    
Q: قرآن مجید میں جہنم کے نگران کا کیا نام ہے؟
A: قہار
B: مالک
C: الرعد
D: نار
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Q: جان بوجچھ کار روزہ توڑنے سے لازم ہوتا ہے؟
A: صرف کفارہ
B: صرف قضا
C: قضاو کفارہ دونوں
D: کچھ بھی نہیں
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قضاو کفارہ دونوں    
Q: خانہ کعبہ کے غلاف کو کیا کہا جاتاہے ؟
A: کسویٰ
B: ریشم
C: ستار
D: دائرہ
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Q: پہلی اسلامی ریاست کہا قائم ہوئی؟
A: مکہ
B: مدینہ
C: کوفہ
D: بصرہ
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Q: جنت اور دوزخ کے درمیان کے مقام کو کیا کہتے ہیں؟
A: پل صراط
B: اعراف
C: یلملم
D: کوثر
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Q: کس سن ہجری میں سود کو حرام قرار دیا گیا؟
A: 7ہجری
B: 9 ہجری
C: 10 ہجری
D: 11 ہجری
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9 ہجری    
Q: نماز تراویح کیا ہے؟
A: واجب
B: فرض
C: سنت موکدہ
D: سنت
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سنت موکدہ    
Q: لفظ محمد قرآن مجید میں کتنی مرتبہ آیاہے؟
A: دو
B: تین
C: چار
D: پانچ
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Q: مکہ میں بت پرستی کی ابتداء کس نے کی؟
A: ابوجہل
B: عمرو بن لئحی
C: ابر ھہ
D: کرزبن جابر
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عمرو بن لئحی    
Q: ابو جہل کا اصل نام کیا تھا؟
A: عمرو بن احمد
B: عمر و بن ہشام
C: حارث بن ہشام
D: ہاشم بن عمرو
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عمروبن ہشام    
Q: شیطان کا اصل نام کیا ہے؟
A: ابابیل
B: اسرائیل
C: ہاقائیل
D: عزازیل
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Q: حضورﷺ کے وصال کے فوری بعد کس جھوٹے نبی کو ہلاک کیا گیا۔
A: مسلیمہ کذاب
B: اسود عنسی
C: طلیحہ بن خویلد
D: سجاح بنت حارث
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اسود عنسی    
Q: غزوہ احد میں کافروں کا سردار کون تھا؟
A: ابو لہب
B: مکرمہ
C: خالد بن ولید
D: ابو سفیان
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Q: کس کافر کے نام سے ایک سورت قرآن پاک میں موجود ہے؟
A: سورۃ نصر
B: سورۃ اللہب
C: سورۃ الفیل
D: سورۃ العنکبوت
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سورۃ اللہب    
Q: اللہ تعالیٰ نے قرآن مجید کا ذکر کتنے ناموں سے کیا؟
A: 35
B: 45
C: 55
D: 65
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Q: اسلام میں قتل کی سزاقتل ہے، اسے کیا کہتے ہیں؟
A: قصاص
B: خون بہا
C: حد
D: تعزیر
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Q: ہر دور کا ذہین ترین آدمی کسے کہا جاتا ہے؟
A: آئین سٹائیں
B: ارسطو
C: افلاطون
D: فیشاغورث
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Q: Name the person who first translated the Holy Quran in Persian ?
A: Shah Rafi ud Din
B: Shah Walliullah
C: Khalid bin Waleed
D: Mujadid Alf Sani
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Shah Walliullah    
Q: The biggest Ist plamic country with area is:
A: Kazakhstan
B: Libya
C: Sudan
D: Egypt
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Q: The last Fatimid ruler was:
A: Al Muizz
B: Al Adid
C: Al Mansur
D: None of these
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Al Adid    
Q: The pact of Medina was signed between :
A: Ans and Khazraj
B: Jews and Muslims
C: Christians and Muslims
D: None of these
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Jews and Muslims    
Q: The first attack on Constantinople was conducted by the Muslims in the reign of:
A: Hazrat Ali (RA)
B: Muawiyya
C: Merman l
D: Hazrat Usman (RA)
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Q: The title of Miftah ul Khayr was of Abbasid ealiph:
A: Waleed l
B: Mamoon
C: Walee lll
D: None of these
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Q: Halaku Khan captured Baghdad in:
A: 1158 AD
B: 1258 AD
C: 1358 AD
D: 1458 AD
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1258 AD    
Q: The first biography on the life of Holy Prophet (PBUH) is by:
A: Ibne Ishaq
B: Ibne e Hisham
C: Al Zarqali
D: Al Waqidi
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Ibne e Hisham    
Q: Who is callled as the Herodotus of Arabs?
A: Tabari
B: Abdul Hassan Ali Al Masudi
C: Ibne Athir
D: None of these
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Abdul Hassan Ali Al Masudi    
Q: The first great Arab alchemist was:
A: Ibne Sina
B: Jabir bin Hayyan
C: Al Razi
D: Yahya bin Mansoor
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Jabir bin Hayyan    
Q: Who wrote Hisab at Jabr wal Muqablah?
A: Ibne Sina
B: Muhammad bin Musa Al Khwarzimi
C: Al Razi
D: Ali Beruni
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Muhammad bin Musa Al Khwarzimi    
Q: Kingdom of Khwarzim was destroyed in 1218-20 AD by:
A: Halaku Khan
B: Changaiz Khan
C: Temur Lung
D: Qublai Khan
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Changaiz Khan    
Q: With his death ended the glory of Abbasids the dead caliph was:
A: Haroon ur Rashid
B: Mamonn
C: Al Wasiq Billah
D: Al Mutasim Billah
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Al Wasiq Billah    
Q: The foundation of the city of Baghdad was laid in 762 during the reign of Abbasid caliph:
A: Abu Muslim
B: Al Mansoor
C: Al Mahdi
D: Abdul Abbas
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Al Mansoor    
Q: Gaza is the famous city of:
A: Egypt
B: Palestine
C: Jordan
D: Iran
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Q: The conqueror of Central Asia was:
A: Khalid bin Waleed
B: Qutayba bin Muslim
C: Muhammad bin Qasim
D: None of these
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Qutayba bin Muslim    
Q: Central Asia became the part of Muslim Empire during the reign of:
A: Yazid
B: Waleed l
C: Khalid bin Waleed
D: None of these
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Waleed l    
Q: Baytal Hikmat was a :
A: Translation bureu
B: Observatory
C: Medical university
D: None of these
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Translation bureau    
Q: His reign was the most glorious and brilliant in the intellectual history of Islam. These remarks refer to:
A: Amin
B: Al Mamun
C: Horoon
D: Umar bin Abdul Aziz
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Al Mamun    
Q: In 712 AD Sindh Multan and part of the Punjab were annexed to the Muslim empire by:
A: Waleed l
B: Muhammad bin Qasim
C: Hijjaj bin Yousaf
D: Uqba bin Nafah
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Muhammad bin Qasim    
Q: Babylon is the famous city of:
A: Iraq
B: Jordan
C: Kuwait
D: Greece
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Q: Alexandria is the major seaport of:
A: Jordan
B: Iraq
C: Egypt
D: Iran
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Q: Istanbul is the new name of:
A: Rome
B: Constantinuple
C: Iraq
D: Athens
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Q: Amr Muawiya transferred his capital from Kufa to:
A: Baghdad
B: Damascus
C: Makkah
D: Medina
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Q: The commander of Muslims army in the Battle of Qadisiya was:
A: Amr bin Al Aas
B: Saad bin Abi Waqas
C: Muaviya
D: Khalid bin Waleed
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Saad bin Abi Waqas    
Q: Battle of Mutah was fought between:
A: Muslims and Jews
B: Muslims and Romans
C: Muslims and Qurayash
D: Muslims and false prophests
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Muslims and Romans    
Q: Ghazwa Khyber was fought between:
A: Muslims and Christians
B: Muslims and Jews
C: Muslims and None Muslims of Medina
D: Muslims and Hindus
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Muslims and Jews    
Q: Conqueror of Egypt was :
A: Saad bin Abi Waqas
B: Amr bin Al Aas
C: Khalid bin Waleed (RA)
D: Muhammad bin Qasim
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Amr bin Al Aas    
Q: Who is called as Muslim Alexander?
A: Khalid bin Waleed (RA)
B: Uqba bin Nafah
C: Saad bin Abi Waqas (RA)
D: Amr bin Al Aas (RA)
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Uqba bin Nafah    
Q: The capital of Iraq is:
A: Baghdad
B: Kufa
C: Najaf
D: Tehran
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Q: During the Orthdox Caliphate who had the shortest tenure:
A: Hazrat Umar (RA)
B: Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)
C: Hazrat Usman (RA)
D: Hazrat Ali (RA)
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Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)    
Q: During the Orthdox Caliphate, who had the longest tenure:
A: Hazrat Ali (RA)
B: Hazrat Usman (RA)
C: Hazrat Umar (RA)
D: Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique (RA)
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Hazrat Usman (RA)    
Q: Hazrat Umar (RA) ruled for:
A: 8 years
B: 9 years
C: 10 years and 5 months
D: 12 years
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10 years and 5 months    
Q: After the dBattle of the Camel Caliph Ali (RA) changed his capital from Medina to
A: Basra
B: Kufa
C: Makkah
D: None of these
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Q: Hazrat Ali (RA) martyred in:
A: 35 Hijrah
B: 40 Hijrah
C: 45 Hijrah
D: 50 Hijrah
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40 Hijrah    
Q: Hazrat Ali (RA) martyred at the age of:
A: 55
B: 58
C: 60
D: 67
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Q: The first Ummayed Caliph was:
A: Al Mughira
B: Ameer Muawiya
C: Yazid
D: None of these
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Ameer Muawiya    
Q: A land tax imposed on the non Muslims cultivators and landlords was known as:
A: Jizya
B: Kharaj
C: Khums
D: None of these
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Q: Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA) died in:
A: 10th Hijrah
B: 11th Hijrah
C: 13th Hijrah
D: 15th Hijrah
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13th Hijrah    
Q: Hazrat Abu Bakar reigned for about:
A: 2 years
B: 3 years
C: 2 years and 3 months
D: 4 years
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2 years and 3 months    
Q: Who has been titled as the Saviour of Islam;
A: Caliph Umar (RA)
B: Caliph Abu Bakar (RA)
C: Khalid bin Waleed (RA)
D: Hazrat Ali (RA)
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Caliph Abu Bakar (RA)    
Q: Who has been titled as Saifullah ?
A: Hazrat Ali (RA)
B: Hazrat Khalid Bin waleed (RA)
C: Abu Ubedah (RA)
D: Hazrat Umar (RA)
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Hazrat Khalid Bin waleed (RA)    
Q: After the Battle of Yermuk, which was won by the Muslims Khalid bin Waleed was removed by the Caliph Umar (RA) from his supreme command. The new Supereme Commander was:
A: Amr bin Al Aas (RA)
B: Abu Ubaydah (RA)
C: Saad bin Abi Waqas (RA)
D: Hazrat Bilal (RA)
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Abu Ubaydah (RA)    
Q: Who was teh first Katib e Wahi ?
A: Hazrat Ali (RA)
B: Hazrat Khalid bin Saeed (RA)
C: Hazrat Abu Hurairah (RA)
D: Hazrat Umar (RA)
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Hazrat Khalid bin Saeed (RA)    
Q: Which Surah of the Holy Quran is called the heart of the Quran?
A: Surah Al Ikhlas
B: Surah Ya Sin
C: Surah Al Baqarah
D: Surah Ar Rehman
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Surah Ya Sin    
Q: The Holy Prophet (PBUH) was poisoned by a Jewish hostess at the time of:
A: Ghazwa Uhad
B: Conquest of Khyber
C: Ghazwa Badr
D: Ghazwa Hunain
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Conquest of Khyber    
Q: Jizya means:
A: Religious tax
B: Poll tax on non Muslims
C: Lands cultivated by non Muslims
D: Income from the minorities
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Poll tax on non Muslims    
Q: The largest army that ever marched out of Medina was in:
A: Ghazwa Uhad
B: Ghazwa Tabuk
C: Ghazwa Saweeq
D: Ghazwa Ahzab
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Ghazwa Tabuk    
Q: The largest army that ever marched out of Medina was consisted of:
A: 10,000 Men
B: 30,000 Men
C: 40,000 Men
D: 45,000 Men
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30,000 Men    
Q: Abdullah bin Ubay was a :
A: Hypocrite
B: Christian
C: Jew
D: Great Leader
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Q: Makkah was conquered in:
A: 8th Hijrah
B: 9th Hijrah
C: 10 Hijrah
D: 12th Hijrah
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8th Hijrah    
Q: The Treaty of Hudabia was signed in:
A: 5th Hijrah
B: 6th Hijrah
C: 7th Hijrah
D: 8th Hijrah
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6th Hijrah    
Q: Holy Prophet (PBUH) delivered his farewell sermon at Arafat on:
A: 8th Zulhajj
B: 10th Zulhajj
C: 9th Zulhajj
D: 11th Zulhajj
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10th Zulhajj    
Q: Who was the commander of Infidels in the battle of Ditch?
A: Amr
B: Abu Sufyan
C: Abu Jahl
D: Abu Lahb
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Abu Sufyan    
Q: Who gave the idea to dig a ditch around the city of Medina?
A: Hazrat Umar (RA)
B: Hazrat Salman Farsi (RA)
C: Hazrat Ali (RA)
D: Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA)
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Hazrat Salman Farsi (RA)    
Q: The Holy Prophet (PBUH) died on:
A: June 8,632 AD
B: July 15,630 AD
C: August 20,632 AD
D: May 25,631 AD
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June 8,632 AD    
Q: Wara bin Naufel was:
A: Christian
B: Later on embrassed Islam
C: follower of religion of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)
D: A Jew
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Q: Holy Prophet (PBUH) died on the day of:
A: Friday
B: Saturday
C: Monday
D: Tuesday
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Q: Total number of mujahideen in the army of Ghazwa Badr were:
A: 210
B: 313
C: 380
D: 413
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Q: How many Muslims martyred in Ghazwa Badr:
A: 10
B: 14
C: 18
D: 20
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Q: How many Infidels were killed in Ghazwa Badr?
A: 50
B: 60
C: 70
D: 80
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Q: Ghazwa Uhd was fought in the year:
A: 580 AD
B: 600 AD
C: 625 AD
D: 630 AD
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625 AD    
Q: What is the meanings of Sariyya?
A: A poetess
B: A famous Arabian saint
C: A battle not attended by the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
D: Secret treaties of the Munafeqeen
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A battle not attended by the Holy Prophet (PBUH)    
Q: Who was the commander of the Infidels in the Battle of Badr?
A: Abdul Sufyan
B: Abu Jahl
C: Utbah
D: Abu Lahb
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Abu Jahl    
Q: Which Prophet of Allah is dignified with special title "Khalilullah"?
A: Hazrat Adam (AS)
B: Hazrat Nuh (AS)
C: Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)
D: Hazrat Essa (AS)
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Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)    
Q: Who introduced the jail system for detention of prisoners?
A: Hazrat Umar (RA)
B: Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)
C: Hazrat Ali (RA)
D: Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA)
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Hazrat Umar (RA)    
Q: The police force was set up during the Caliphate:
A: Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)
B: Hazrat Umar (RA)
C: Hazrat Usman (RA)
D: Hazrat Ali (RA)
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Hazrat Umar (RA)    
Q: Identify the last Ghazwa in which the Holy Prophet (PBUH) participated.
A: Mutah
B: Tabuk
C: Hunain
D: Ahzab
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Q: Identify the number of Surahs in the Holy Quran which are on the names of various prophets.
A: 4
B: 6
C: 8
D: 10
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Q: When did the Holy Prophet (PBUH) perform "Hajjat-ul-Wada"?
A: 630 AD
B: 632 AD
C: 633 AD
D: 636 AD
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632 AD    
Q: How long did the Holy Quran take for its complete revelation?
A: 20 years 5 months and 14 days
B: 22 years 5 month and 14 days
C: 25 years 5 month and 14 days
D: 30 years 5 months and 14 days
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22 years 5 month and 14 days    
Q: How many verses of Surah Al-Alaq were first revealed on the Holy Prophet (PBUH)?
A: 3
B: 5
C: 8
D: 12
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Q: Injeel (Bible) is the Holy Book of:
A: Hindus
B: Christians
C: Parsis
D: Jews
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Q: The Holy Book of Jews is:
A: Injeel
B: Torah
C: Zubur
D: None of these
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Q: The Holy Book revealed to Hazrat Daud (AS) is:
A: Injeel
B: Taurat
C: Zubur
D: None of these
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Q: The duty of Hazrat Mekail is:
A: Incharge of protection and also to bring rains
B: To blow the trumpet on the Day of Judgement
C: Incharge of taking the life of living creatures
D: None of these
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Incharge of protection and also to bring rains    
Q: The duty of Hazrat Israfeel is:
A: Incharge of protection and also to bring rains
B: To blow the trumpet on the Day of Judgement
C: Incharge of taking the life of living creatures
D: None of these
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To blow the trumpet on the Day of Judgement    
Q: The duty of Angel Izrael is
A: To blow trumpet on the Day of Judgement
B: Taking the life of living creatures
C: Both of them
D: None of them
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Taking the life of living creatures    
Q: Duty of Angel Hazrat Gibriel is:
A: In charge of protection and also to bring rains
B: To blow trumpet
C: Takeing the life of living things
D: None of these
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None of these    
Q: The angels, who are said to be incharge of the graves and initial accountability are:
A: Munkar and Nakeer
B: Kiraman Katabeen
C: Hazrat Israfil
D: Hazrat Mekail
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Munkar and Nakeer    
Q: The name of the sixth Kalimah is:
A: Kalimah Tamjeed
B: Kalimah Tauheed
C: Kalimah Radde-i-Kufar
D: Kalimah Shahadat
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Kalimah Radd-i--Kufar    
Q: The name of the fifth Kalimah is:
A: Kalimah Tauheed
B: Kalimah Shahadat
C: Kalimah Istighfar
D: Kalimah Tamjeed
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Kalimah Istighfar    
Q: The name of the fourth Kalimah is:
A: Kalimah Tayyabah
B: Kalimah Tauheed
C: Kalimah Istighfar
D: Kalimah Shahadat
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Kalimah Tauheed    
Q: The name of third Kalimah:
A: Kalimah Radd-i-Kufar
B: Kalimah Tayabbah
C: Kalimah Tamjeed
D: Kalimah Tauheed
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Kalimah Tamjeed    
Q: The name of the second Kalimah is:
A: Kalima Istighfar
B: Kalima Shahadat
C: Kalima Tauheed
D: Kalima Radd-i-Kufar
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Kalima Shahadat    
Q: The name of the first Kalimah is:
A: Kalima Tayyabah
B: Kalima Shahadat
C: kalima Tamjeed
D: Kalima Tauheed
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Kalima Tayyabah    
Q: The total number of Madni Surahs are:
A: 28
B: 30
C: 32
D: 35
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Q: The total number of Makki Surahs are:
A: 80
B: 86
C: 88
D: 92
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Q: The number of Prophets whose names are in the Holy Quran is:
A: 10
B: 25
C: 35
D: 45
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Q: The shortest Surah in the Holy Quran is:
A: Surah An-Nisa
B: Surah Al-Ahzab
C: Surah Al-Baqarah
D: Surah Al-Kauthar
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Surah Al-Kauthar    
Q: The longest Surah in the Holy Quran is:
A: Surah Al Imran
B: Surah Al-Baqarah
C: Surah Al-Falaq
D: Surah An-Nisa
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Surah Al-Baqarah    
Q: The last Surah in the Holy Quran is:
A: Surah Ya Sin
B: Surah Al-Nas
C: Surah Al-Falaq
D: Surah Al-Kauthar
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Surah Al-Nas    
Q: The first Surah in the Holy Quran is:
A: Surah Al-Fatihah
B: Surah Al-Baqarah
C: Surah Al-Imran
D: Surah Al-Ikhals
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Surah Al-Fatihah 
[Abu Mashaal]

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