Saturday, February 16, 2019

Important terms asked in Interviews


The study of universe is known as
*Ans : Cosmology*

The universe comprises of billions of
*Ans : Galaxies*

The galaxies are made up of millions of
*Ans : Stars*

Father of modern Astronomy
*Ans : Copernicus*

The astronomer known as the Law Giver of Heavens
*Ans : Kepler*

Light year and parsec are the units of measuring distances in the
*Ans : Universe*

The distance travelled by light in one year is called
*Ans : One light year*

One light year = 9.46 x 1012 kilometers

An astronomical unit of distance
*Ans : Parsec*

One parsec = 3.26 light year

Scientist who found universe is expanding, in 1929
*Ans : Sir Edwin Hubble*

Geocentric theory was propounded (the Earth was the centre of universe) by
*Ans : Ptolemy*

Heliocentric theory was propounded (the Sun is the centre of the universe) by
*Ans : Copernicus*

Laws of Planetary motion was discovered by
*Ans : Kepler*

Study of celestial bodies and universe
*Ans : Astronomy*

Study of the structure of the universe
*Ans : Cosmology*

Study of the origin of universe
*Ans : Cosmogony*

Study of life in outer space
*Ans : Exobiology*

Study of moon
*Ans : Selenology*

Study of Space Craft
*Ans : Astronautics*

Study of Sun
*Ans : Heliology*

International Astronomical year was observed by UNO in
*Ans : 2009*

Father of Indian astronomy
*Ans : Aryabhattan*

Father of Scientific astronomy
*Ans : Kepler*

Father of modern Indian astronomy
*Ans : M.K.Vainu Bappu*
Farther of Indian Space Programme
*Ans : Vikram Sarabhai*
There are three main theories put forward to explain origin and evolution of universe.


Most widely accepted theory regarding the origin of universe
*Ans : Big Bang Theory*

Big Bang Theory was proposed by
*Ans : George Lemaitre*

Big Bang Theory was modified by
*Ans : Edwin Hubble*

The term big bang was coined by
*Ans : Fred Hoyle*

Big bang theory is also called as
*Ans : Expanding
Universe Hypothesis*
Steady State Theory was proposed by
*Ans : Hermann Bondi, Thomas* Gold and Fred Hoyle

Steady State Theory was proposed in
*Ans : 1948*

Quasi Steady State Theory was proposed by
*Ans : Jayant Narlikar*
The Pulsating Theory was proposed by
*Ans : Dr. Allan Sandage*

The theory which proposed that at present universe is expanding
*Ans : Pulsating Theory*

A galaxy is a vast collection of billions of stars, dust, gas and empty space held together by
Ans : Gravitational force
*The word galaxy was first introduced by
*Ans : William Herschel*

First person to calculate distance between galaxies
*Ans : Sir Edwin Hubble*

There are about 5Q billion galaxies exist in the universe
Group of galaxies is known as
*Ans : Cluster*

The most distant object visible to naked eye in the universe
*Ans : Andromeda Galaxy*

Our sun and its planets belongs to the
*Ans : Milky Way Galaxy or Akash Ganga*

First astronomer to demonstrate the existence of galaxies beyond milky way
*Ans : Edwin Hubble (1924)*
1.Spiral Galaxies
2.Elliptical Galaxies
3.Irregular Galaxies

*The galaxy having central nucleus with great spiral arms
*Ans : Spiral Galaxy*

Milky way and Andromeda are the examples of
*Ans : Spiral Galaxies*

New stars are formed in Spiral Galaxies Largest spiral galaxy
*Ans : Andromeda Galaxy*

The farthest object which can be seen with naked eyes
*Ans : Andromeda Galaxy*

The milky way belongs to a cluster of galaxies called
*Ans : Local group*

The galaxies having no spiral arms are called
*Ans : Elliptical,Galaxies*

Red Giants and white dwarfs are seen in the
*Ans : Elliptical Galaxies*

*Dim collection of old stars are seen in the
*Ans : Elliptical Galaxies*

Galaxies having no regular shape
*Ans : Irregular Galaxies*

Large Magellanic cloud is an
*Ans : Irregular Galax*

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